速報APP / 個人化 / iLauncher os12 theme for phone x control

iLauncher os12 theme for phone x control





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



iLauncher os12 theme for phone x control center(圖1)-速報App

iLauncher X helps you do what you want faster with a radically simple home screen replacement.

Get speed, beauty and elegance without sacrificing what you love about Android: customizability and personalization.


Intuitive Design

iLauncher os12 theme for phone x control center(圖2)-速報App

We've rethought every feature. All apps directly display on your home screen. From folders that clearly show what's inside.

Beautiful and Cool

iLauncher brings to you the beautiful UIs, smoothy transitions and cool effects, make your phone to be on a par with os10 or other os

Smart Boost

iLauncher os12 theme for phone x control center(圖3)-速報App

Keep your mobile phone in the fastest state anytime

Quick App Menu

You can use some function without open an app from the quick menu, like 3d touch menu.


iLauncher os12 theme for phone x control center(圖4)-速報App

Customize your layout, rows and columns, app icons, icon size, label size, label colors, wallpaper. We give you the most flexibility to make your own launcher.

iLauncher os12 theme for phone x control center(圖5)-速報App